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Volunteering Matters: Amelie’s Solihull experience

Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of people in your community.

Student Amelie is volunteering at ExtraCare’s Solihull Village. Here the 14-year-old tells us why volunteering and work experience is important and what it could mean for her future.


Why did you choose to volunteer at Solihull Village?

I’m doing my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh at school and my dad mentioned that ExtraCare were looking for volunteers to help at Solihull, so that seemed ideal.

How long did you volunteer for?

I’m still volunteering now, even though the Bronze DOE states you only need to volunteer for three months.

How did you find your experience volunteering?

I thought it was great fun, and everyone at Solihull was really nice and very friendly.

What was your favourite thing about the experience?

I got to volunteer with my friend Izzy and we found the experience great. Everyone has been so kind to us.

Why do you think that it’s important that your generation gets involved in volunteering?

It was interesting listening to the resident’s stories and I think we have a lot to learn from the older generation.

Would you recommend volunteering to others?

I’m finding a real sense of achievement from volunteering and it’s giving me some useful skills for the future.

Do you think you can apply some of the skills you learnt on this experience to future career plans?

Yes, I’m hoping to get some paid part-time work waitressing or caring in the future when I’m old enough.