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Break the mould and craft your own non traditional retirement

Change the narrative

The traditional view of retirement as a time of rest and relaxation is not for everyone. Many people find that stereotypical retirement activities don’t quite match their energy, interests, or lifestyle. Just because that’s the picture society paints, doesn’t mean it’s the right one for everyone. In fact, the best retirement is one that fits you like a glove, reflecting your passions and your personality. So, let’s talk about breaking the mould and doing what’s right for you when it comes to retirement.

Break the mould and craft your own non traditional retirement

Personal fulfilment

What brought you joy in your working years? Was it the thrill of solving complex problems, the satisfaction of helping others, or the creativity of building something new? Those passions don’t just disappear, in fact, they can be the foundation of a fulfilling retirement.

You should take some time to think about what truly makes you happy. What activities make you lose track of time? What are the things you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance to? Retirement can be the perfect time to explore interests and hobbies that you never had the time for before. Whether it’s traveling, learning a new language, or taking up a musical instrument, the possibilities are endless.

Staying active and engaged

For some, the idea of slowing down in retirement is more stressful than staying busy. Continuing to work part-time, volunteering, going back to education, or even starting a new business can keep your mind sharp and your body active.

It’s important to remember that life is unpredictable though, and your interests might change over time. Be open to adjusting your plans as needed. Flexibility can lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences.

Set realistic goals

Once you have a clear idea of what you want, set achievable goals. It’s important to balance ambition with practicality. For example, if you’ve always wanted to travel, plan trips that fit your budget and physical abilities.

Seek support

Whether it’s joining a club, taking a class, or finding a community of like-minded people, having a support network can make your retirement journey so much more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Overcoming challenges

Of course, choosing a non-traditional retirement path isn’t without its challenges. You might face scepticism from others or even doubt from within. Here’s how to navigate those bumps in the road:

  • Confidence – Believe in your choices and the benefits they bring to your life. Confidence in your path can help dispel doubts from others and yourself.
  • Preparation – Plan ahead for potential challenges. Whether it’s financial considerations, health concerns, or logistical issues, being prepared can help you overcome obstacles more easily.
  • Community – Finding a community of like-minded people can provide support and encouragement. Look for groups or clubs that share your interests or consider joining online forums where you can connect with others on similar journeys. If you haven’t already, you should check out any local retirement villages to you. At ExtraCare we host many different groups, events and clubs that welcome both residents and non-residents over the age of 55.

Real life stories of non traditional retirements

To inspire you, here are a few stories of individuals who chose to follow their own path in retirement:

Janet: Shenley Wood Village resident and champion swimmer

At the age of 81, Janet swims competitively around the world earning championship medals. Retirement hasn’t slowed her down, in fact it has only spurred her on. She belongs to South Bedfordshire Masters Swimming Club and trains three to four times a week. She has swum in National, European and World championships winning medals in Sweden, Russia, Hungary, Italy and the UK, missing gold by 300th of a second in Russia’s World Masters!

Non traditional retirement

Janet at the Masters Aquatic Championships

Val: Pannel Croft Village resident and life coach

At the age of 70, Val is the CEO of an organisation called Holistic Empowerment Network and is a qualified Life Coach. She runs training, mentoring and empowerment sessions to help people to move them from where they are, to where they wish to be. Earning a title of Ambassador of the Peace she even recently won an award at the Citizens in Policing Awards.

Non traditional retirement

Val at the Citizens in Policing Awards

Embracing your unique retirement

Retirement is a significant life transition, but it doesn’t have to mean conforming to a set of predefined norms. Instead, view it as an opportunity to design a life that’s uniquely yours, a life that reflects who you are and what you love. Whether that means continuing to work, pursuing a passion, or embarking on new adventures, the choice is yours.

Your retirement, your way.

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