New look, same values: ExtraCare’s identity refresh
Nick Hickman – Senior Marketing & Communications Manager
What were the main reasons behind the decision to undergo an identity refresh?
Shortly after starting at ExtraCare around two years ago I listened to and researched a range of stakeholders, to gauge their opinions on our current identity. From the findings I discovered we needed to improve the perception of ExtraCare, as our identity was starting to look a little dated and inconsistent. I believed an improved appearance would help the charity to appear more modern appealing and relevant to our target audience.
How does ExtraCare’s new identity align with the charity’s mission, vision and values?
ExtraCare’s current vision, mission, and values are already relevant and effective, so it was important that the new identity aligned with them and brought them to life in a more modern way.
What aspects of ExtraCare’s previous identity stayed the same, and what elements were changed or updated in the refresh?
As this refresh is more of an evolution than revolution, some key aspects have remained. The term ‘ExtraCare’ is used by many in the sector to define what’s being offered, so our name remains the same, as this is relevant to our mission of providing much more than just quality care to our residents.
The focus on people. ExtraCare’s previous identity always put people first, and this focus was exaggerated in the refresh.
Here are some of the elements that were changed or updated in the refresh:
- The logo. Our new logo with accompanying symbol that signifies joy amongst our residents is more modern and simplified, and it better reflects ExtraCare’s commitment to building positive communities.
- The typography. The new typography is more contemporary, helping to create a more inviting and welcoming brand experience.
- The photography. The new photography is more celebratory, diverse and it better reflects ExtraCare’s commitment to serving all members of our positive communities.
The colours. Our extended colour palette allows us to bring more energy and life to our range of assets.
What are your hopes for the outcome of the refreshed identity specifically with ExtraCare’s target audience, residents and future residents?
Overall, I hope the refresh of our identity has been a careful balance of updating the brand to reflect its modern values while staying true to its core principles. I believe the target audiences will perceive ExtraCare as more modern, relevant, and inclusive, and it will help us to continue to connect with all our stakeholders in an uplifting and meaningful way.
Did you encounter any problems with the process and if so, how did you overcome them?
Yes, as you’d expect there were a few challenges that we encountered during the process of developing a new identity for ExtraCare.
One challenge was that ExtraCare has a long history, and its previous identity was already well-known. As marketers experience on a regular basis, there are many stakeholders, each with their own opinions and experiences. We wanted to create a new identity that was both modern and relevant, but we also wanted to make sure that it didn’t alienate ExtraCare’s existing customers.
Can you highlight specific design choices and elements and explain their significance and the process to get to each?
Here are some specific design elements from the new ExtraCare identity, and a simplified version of how we arrived at each:
The new logo now includes a symbol that represents joy and togetherness. Hopefully it will become a design that captures the mission and values of ExtraCare, in with a more modern and contemporary feel. The overall effect of the new logo is more inviting and welcoming, while still retaining the familiarity of the previous logo.
The new website is far more user-friendly and accessible, with a cleaner design and easier navigation. It even includes a customiser that allows the user to answer a few simple questions, which will lead to them receiving the most relevant information on their home page.
The colours and imagery are more powerful and inspiring, diverse and inclusive, reflecting ExtraCare’s commitment to serving all members of the community and creating a more positive brand experience.
The overall effect of the new website is more modern, relevant, and inviting.
Brand Film
The brand film is a short film that captured the rich stories that have shaped the lives of our residents, whilst portraying the joy and sense of companionship they feel while living in one of our locations. It takes a behind-the-scenes look at the fun a group of six residents, who had never met previously, had whilst taking part in a photoshoot for ExtraCare.
The film’s message is clear and concise, and it effectively communicates ExtraCare’s success is both down to our residents (the people) and our locations (the place).
The overall effect of the brand film is to create a positive and memorable impression of ExtraCare.
How will the refreshed identity be implemented across different touchpoints, such as marketing materials, website, social channels, etc.?
The refreshed identity will be implemented across different assets in a phased approach. The first phase will focus on updating ExtraCare’s website, key marketing materials such as signage, brochures, social media channels and other assets that are widely used such as MS Office templates and email signatures.
The subsequent phases of implementation will focus on updating as many other ExtraCare touchpoints as we can bearing in mind the resources we have available.
The implementation of the refreshed identity will be a complex and challenging process. However, we believe that the benefits of the new identity outweigh the challenges. The new identity will help ExtraCare to connect with its members and stakeholders in a more positive way, and it will help the charity to continue to grow and thrive in the years to come.
How did you approach this process?
The process of getting to our identity relaunch was iterative and collaborative. We started by conducting extensive research on current trends in branding and design, as well as the identities of other organisations that we saw as leaders. We then got feedback from a diverse group of stakeholders, including residents, employees, and other influencers. This feedback helped us to refine our ideas and create a design that was both modern and relevant, while still staying true to ExtraCare’s core values.
We are proud of the new identity that we created for ExtraCare, and we believe that it will help the charity to expand our positive connections with our current and potential residents and other stakeholders in an inspiring manner.
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