Mobility scooters – bad for your health?

Residents have always been informed they can buy and use a scooter as long as they adhere to our policy and have insurance. Some of our larger Villages are far more spread out and those with mobility problems may resort to a scooter. Or someone may have health problems such as a stroke, or have had surgery that limits their mobility as well as many other conditions and will therefore purchase a scooter.
At ExtraCare, we pride ourselves in supporting healthy lifestyles and aiding activity for health; therefore over the coming year we will be exploring how we can best support our residents in their decision as to the best time to acquire a mobility scooter.
Some residents are already voicing concerns about mobility scooters, and we are hearing a lot of questions, including:
- Is it a fire risk having so many scooters in corridors?
- Will there be more damage to properties?
- Will residents be more at risk from scooter injury?
- What will happen if most residents have scooters one day?

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