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Housing 21 and The ExtraCare Charitable Trust considering merger

Housing 21 and The ExtraCare Charitable Trust are engaging in consultations with a view to agreeing a merger of the two organisations.

As leading charitable providers of housing and care for older people, the proposed merger would build upon the strong track records of both organisations and strengthen and enhance the services provided, increasing the provision of quality homes and ultimately leading to better lives for more older people.

The ExtraCare Charitable Trust is a leading provider of Extra Care villages and Housing 21 is a leading provider of Retirement Living accommodation and Extra Care schemes. The character and distinctiveness of these complementary service propositions would be maintained post-merger, creating a national leader in the provision of a range of high-quality accommodation, care and associated services for older people.

Bruce Moore, Chief Executive of Housing 21 said: “This is a great opportunity for two strong organisations to come together and work alongside each other to provide quality services and homes for older people. A merger would allow both organisations to be financially stronger and more resilient, offer better value for money to our residents, have access to a wider shared pool of expertise and ultimately have greater influence in being able to advocate for older people and the services they require now and in the future.”

Mick Laverty, Chief Executive of The ExtraCare Charitable Trust said: “Essentially a merger would allow us to support better lives for more older people and would make our existing retirement communities more affordable for our current residents. Becoming part of a larger group would strengthen our position whilst retaining our focus and distinctiveness in the provision of Extra Care Villages.”

Any merger would be subject to the processes of due diligence and feedback from consultations and engagement with residents, employees, members, funders, regulators and other important stakeholders.