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Almost half of ExtraCare residents now vaccinated

While this has not been the start to the year that anyone wanted, we’re looking ahead to a brighter 2021. Hope is on its way in the form of the extensive, nationwide vaccination programme that is now rolling out across our communities.

Our staff have been working tirelessly with the NHS, local authorities and other agencies to ensure our most vulnerable residents are vaccinated safely and speedily.

To date, more than 1,830 – that’s over 42% – of our residents have already received their first vaccination. Our ambition is to ensure that 80% of our residents have received their first vaccination by mid-February.

This is positive news; as more of our residents receive their immunisations over the next couple of months, we’re able to look to the future and think about opening our doors to the wider community once again.

If you’re unsure about the vaccination and want to find out more, here are some videos from Public Health England (PHE) to explain a bit more about the vaccination:

How a vaccine works
What is the best way to use the COVID-19 vaccine and help end the pandemic?
How do I know it is safe?
What should I do if I missed my vaccination appointment?