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Shenley Wood Village’s Sensory Garden

Shenley Wood Village’s Sensory Garden

A group of residents from Shenley Wood’s Gardening Club are designing a Sensory Garden. Resident Monte Page explains more...

March 10, 2017

What does ExtraCare’s fundraising team do?

What does ExtraCare’s fundraising team do?

Catherine Duffield-Smith, ExtraCare’s Trusts and Foundations Fundraiser, explains the work of the fundraising team and how they support life in ExtraCare’s Villages and Schemes…

March 3, 2017

ExtraCare: Housing White Paper can take a ‘huge step to solving looming crisis’

ExtraCare: Housing White Paper can take a ‘huge step to solving looming crisis’

The ExtraCare Charitable Trust welcomes the commitment in the Housing White Paper to work with housing providers and older people to deliver a greater supply and range of retirement accommodation.

February 9, 2017

Mobility scooters – bad for your health?

Mobility scooters – bad for your health?

As older people start to have difficulties with walking, some choose to use a mobility scooter to help them move around. However, new research suggests mobility scooters could do more harm than good for some users. ExtraCare Trustee Kathryn Sallah and Wellbeing and Community Manager Shirley Hall look at the possible health effects and what the Charity can do to help.

February 7, 2017

Lip Sync Legends: Changing how we view older people

Lip Sync Legends: Changing how we view older people

Rebecca Dillon has just joined ExtraCare as a graduate trainee. Residents at Lovat Fields Village in Milton Keynes showed her a good time with Boy George, Queen and Amy…

October 21, 2016

New Village takes retirement living to new heights

New Village takes retirement living to new heights

Innovative thinking about a new breed of retirement living options has never been more vital. A report last month from the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People raised awareness of “later homes”, not just starter homes for younger people.

June 30, 2016

Downsizing and why Britain needs a plan to house our elderly

Downsizing and why Britain needs a plan to house our elderly

A new report has just put the spotlight on older people downsizing, suggesting that millions of under-occupied homes would be freed up and those moving would gain health and quality of life benefits.

June 15, 2016

Volunteers’ Week 2016: Sheila’s story

Volunteers’ Week 2016: Sheila’s story

Sheila Butler has volunteered at ExtraCare’s Princethorpe Court in Coventry for two years. Here, she tells us about her experience…

June 6, 2016

Choosing Health and Choosing Life

Choosing Health and Choosing Life

Angela Bradford, Commissioning and Healthy Lifestyles Director at The ExtraCare Charitable Trust, explains why investment in the charity’s later life well-being services pays off...

May 10, 2016