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Dementia Support


Although dementia can have a notable impact on quality of life, living independently is still very possible. At ExtraCare we are here to help support.


Dementia Care
Dementia Suite at Longbridge Village
Michael Spellman, Dementia Lead
Carer’s Stories

What is dementia?

Dementia is often misunderstood. Technically defined as a syndrome, dementia is a collection of symptoms linked to a wide range of diseases which cause damage to the brain.

Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia are the most common types of dementia, but there are in fact many different types.

Dementia symptoms include memory impairment, problem-solving difficulties, regulation of behaviour and even visual perception difficulties. Around 850,000 people are estimated to be living with a form of dementia in the UK. Although age is a key risk factor in developing a dementia-related disease, it is not purely an older people’s issue and is known to affect some younger people.

Find out more about our research results here or via the link below

Contact our Dementia and Mental Wellbeing Teams for more information.

What dementia support is available in ExtraCare?

ExtraCare has a long history of supporting people living with dementia.

Between 2007 and 2009 we embarked on a research study to deliver a new dementia service for our residents. This led us to create our Enriched Opportunities Programme – a dedicated service run by specially trained staff called Locksmiths (now known as Dementia and Mental Wellbeing Enablers).

Although the name of this specialist service has now changed, we still have dedicated Dementia and Mental Wellbeing Enablers to support residents living with dementia and common mental health conditions.

A Dementia and Mental Wellbeing Enabler can support you by:

  • Screening for dementia symptoms and assisting you to access your GP and local memory services to obtain a diagnosis and post-diagnostic support
  • Understanding how dementia impacts on your daily life and putting practical interventions in place that alleviate the disabling impact of symptoms
  • If you are in receipt of care, helping to ensure that your care plan is tailored around your specific needs
  • Assisting you to access local services that may help you to live independently for as long as possible

Resident story

I just love to perform. I even recorded my own song in the Netherlands at a studio. Soon I’ll be going on tour in America with fellow competition winners at a talent agency.

Shena Davidson

Pannel Croft Village


Resident story

I was a teacher and am a qualified life coach – I do training, mentoring and empowerment sessions at Pannel Croft. I empower people to move them from where they are, to where they wish to be.

Val Benjamin

Pannel Croft Village


Resident story

We have wonderful staff here and some lovely tenants who want to get involved. Pannel Croft is going to be one of the best retirement villages in the country.

Rosita Codrington

Pannel Croft Village


Resident story

Pannel Croft Village’s Well-being Advisor Kate Gokova assists Sadrudin with advice on his diet and completing a diet monitoring chart.

Sadrudin Peermahomud

Pannel Croft Village
